We’re here to help you maximize your Medicare benefits


“We have detailed knowledge of the plans that are locally available, and will work with you to find the best option to meet your unique needs. We look forward to helping you.” - Marty Meehan

How do I get started?


New to Medicare.

Educate yourself on the Medicare basics. Confirm you are eligible for Medicare benefits and identify your enrollment period through the website: MedicareMadeClear.com. Feel free to contact us before you register if you are unsure whether or not to sign up for both Parts A and B. Learn more and apply at SSA.gov/benefits/medicare. Once you have registered for both Parts A & B and have received your Medicare Health Insurance ID number, we will enroll you in the right Medicare Advantage or supplement plan to fit your needs and budget.

Already on Medicare.

Contact us and connect with a local person to talk through the Medicare supplement options. Whether you’ve already registered for Medicare benefits or not, we may be able to help you get additional coverage at no extra cost.

Call us at (760) 851-4475

Medicare Choices.

After you enroll in Original Medicare (Parts A and B), there are two ways to get additional coverage. We can help you with any of these steps.

Medicare Steps.png

Medicare Advantage Plans May Include:

Zero Premium, Zero Deductible and Zero Copay

Prescription Drug Plan



Hearing Aids



Gym Membership

24 Hour Nurse Hotline

We Are Certified to Sell:

  • Dual Special Needs Plans

  • Medicare Advantage

  • Medicare Supplements

  • Prescription Drug Plans